Adopt a Draft Resolution entitled, “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, California, finding that a Lease Agreement with San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre for certain real property owned by the City located at 610 and 614 Monterey Street, a portion of 972 Nipomo Street, and a portion of City Parking Lot No. 14 is of Public Benefit in accordance with California Government Code Section 53078 and approving the Lease Agreement” to:
- Find that a 99-year lease serves the public interest of the City of San Luis Obispo by advancing arts and culture, economic development, and other public benefits, in accordance with California Government Code Section 53083; and
- Approve a 99-year Lease Agreement between the City of San Luis Obispo and the San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement.