Planning Commission AGENDAWednesday, September 11, 2024 at 6:00 P.m. - 7:00 P.m.Council Chambers, 990 Palm Street, San Luis ObispoPlanning Commission meetings can be viewed remotely on Channel 20, the City’s YouTube Channel, and on the City’s website under the Public Meeting Agendas web page. Attendees of City Council or Advisory Body meetings are eligible to receive one hour of complimentary parking; restrictions apply, visit Parking for Public Meetings for more details. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PUBLIC COMMENT: Public Comment prior to the meeting (must be received 3 hours in advance of the meeting): Mail - Delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. Address letters to the City Clerk's Office at 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, California, 93401. Email - Submit Public Comments via email to [email protected]. In the body of your email, please include the date of the meeting and the item number (if applicable). Emails will not be read aloud during the meeting. Voicemail - Call (805) 781-7164 and leave a voicemail. Please state and spell your name, the agenda item number you are calling about, and leave your comment. Verbal comments must be limited to 3 minutes. Voicemails will not be played during the meeting. *All correspondence will be archived and distributed to members, however, submissions received after the deadline may not be processed until the following day. Public Comment during the meeting: Meetings are held in-person. To provide public comment during the meeting, you must be present at the meeting location. Electronic Visual Aid Presentation. To conform with the City's Network Access and Use Policy, Chapter 1.3.8 of the Council Policies & Procedures Manual, members of the public who desire to utilize electronic visual aids to supplement their oral presentation must provide display-ready material to the City Clerk by 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Contact the City Clerk's Office at [email protected] or (805) 781-7114.1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Cooley will call the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission to order.2.PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, people may address the Commission about items not on the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes per person. Items raised at this time are generally referred to staff and, if action by the Commission is necessary, may be scheduled for a future meeting.3.CONSENT Matters appearing on the Consent Calendar are expected to be non-controversial and will be acted upon at one time. A member of the public may request the Planning Commission to pull an item for discussion. The public may comment on any and all items on the Consent Agenda within the three-minute time limit.3.aCONSIDERATION OF MINUTES - AUGUST 14, 2024 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 1.08-14-2024 PC Draft Minutes.pdfRecommendation:To approve the Planning Commission Minutes of August 14, 2024.4.PUBLIC HEARINGS Note: Any court challenge to the action taken on public hearing items on this agenda may be limited to considering only those issues raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City of San Luis Obispo at, or prior to, the public hearing. If you wish to speak, please give your name and address for the record. Please limit your comments to three minutes; consultant and project presentations limited to six minutes.4.a1137 PEACH ST (APPL-0210-2024) - STAFF MEMO REGARDING WITHDRAWN APPEAL FOR DENIED HOMESTAY PERMIT (HOME-0029-2024) 1.1137 Peach St. (APPL-0210-2024) Appeal of Denied Homestay Permit (HOME-0029-2024).pdfThe appellant has formally withdrawn their appeal request. There is no action before the Planning Commission on this item.4.bREVIEW OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (USE-0266-2024) FOR A NEW 2480 SQUARE-FOOT COMMERCIAL CANNABIS RETAIL STOREFRONT LOCATED AT 2400 BROAD STREET, IN THE RETAIL COMMERCIAL (C-R-SF) ZONE WITH SPECIAL FOCUS OVERLAY 1.Review CUP for new Cannabis Retail Storefront in the Retail Commercial (C-R-SF) Zone (USE-0266-2024).pdf2.A - Draft PC Resolution (USE-0266-2024).pdf3.B - Project Site Plan (USE-0266-2024).pdf4.C - Project Floor Plan (USE-0266-2024).pdf5.D - Operations Plan (Excerpts) (USE-0266-2024).pdf6.E - Sensitive Use Map (USE-0266-2024).pdfRecommendation:Adopt the Draft Resolution granting a Conditional Use Permit allowing the establishment and operation of a cannabis retail storefront at 2400 Broad Street, based on findings and subject to conditions.5.COMMENT AND DISCUSSION 5.aSTAFF UPDATES AND AGENDA FORECAST Receive a brief update from Principal Planner Brian Leveille.6.ADJOURNMENT The next Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for September 25, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo. LISTENING ASSISTIVE DEVICES for the hearing impaired--see the ClerkThe City of San Luis Obispo wishes to make all of its public meetings accessible to the public. Upon request, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting should direct such request to the City Clerk’s Office at (805) 781-7114 at least 48 hours before the meeting, if possible. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (805) 781-7410.Planning Commission meetings are televised live on Charter Channel 20 and on the City's YouTube Channel: Agenda related writings or documents provided to the Planning Commission are available for public inspection on the City’s website: Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.08-14-2024 PC Draft Minutes.pdf1.1137 Peach St. (APPL-0210-2024) Appeal of Denied Homestay Permit (HOME-0029-2024).pdf1.Review CUP for new Cannabis Retail Storefront in the Retail Commercial (C-R-SF) Zone (USE-0266-2024).pdf2.A - Draft PC Resolution (USE-0266-2024).pdf3.B - Project Site Plan (USE-0266-2024).pdf4.C - Project Floor Plan (USE-0266-2024).pdf5.D - Operations Plan (Excerpts) (USE-0266-2024).pdf6.E - Sensitive Use Map (USE-0266-2024).pdf