City Council

Council Chambers, 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo


Council meetings may be viewed remotely on Channel 20, the City’s YouTube Channel, and on the City’s website under the Public Meeting Agendas web page. Attendees of City Council or Advisory Body meetings are eligible to receive one hour of complimentary parking; restrictions apply, visit Parking for Public Meetings for more details.


Public Comment prior to the meeting (must be received 3 hours in advance of the meeting):

Mail - Delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. Address letters to the City Clerk’s Office at 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, California, 93401.

Email - Submit Public Comments via email to [email protected]. In the body of your email, please include the date of the meeting and the item number (if applicable). Emails will not be read aloud during the meeting.

Voicemail - Call (805) 781-7164 and leave a voicemail. Please state and spell your name, the agenda item number you are calling about, and leave your comment. Verbal comments must be limited to 3 minutes. Voicemails will not be played during the meeting.

*All correspondence will be archived and distributed to councilmembers, however, submissions received after the deadline may not be processed until the following day.

Public Comment during the meeting:

Meetings are held in-person. To provide public comment during the meeting, you must be present at the meeting location. Verbal comments must be limited to 3 minutes and may only address items listed on the agenda.

Mayor Erica A. Stewart will call the Special Meeting of the San Luis Obispo City Council to order. 

Council Member Mike Boswell will lead the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Public Comment will only be accepted for items listed on the agenda.

Not to exceed 15 minutes. Matters appearing on the Consent Calendar are expected to be non-controversial and will be acted upon at one time. A member of the public may request the Council to pull an item for discussion. Pulled items shall be heard at the close of the Consent Agenda unless a majority of the Council chooses another time. The public may comment on any and all items on the Consent Agenda within the three-minute time limit.

  • Recommendation:

    To approve Consent Calendar Item 4a.

  • Recommendation:
    1. Receive and file a report on the 2024 State Legislative Briefing which summarizes the adopted laws from the 2023-24 regular session of the California State Legislature (December 2023 through October 2024); and
    2. Appoint an ad-hoc committee of the City Council to review the current legislative platform and suggest changes for the 2025-26 legislative session.
  • Recommendation:
    1. Receive and provide feedback on the administrative draft of SLO Transit’s Short-Range Transit Plan; and
    2. Direct staff to make any necessary changes to the Short-Range Transit Plan and return on April 15, 2025, with a final draft of the plan for adoption.

The next Regular Meeting of the City Council will be held on March 4, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo.


LISTENING ASSISTIVE DEVICES for the hearing impaired - see the Clerk.

The City of San Luis Obispo wishes to make all of its public meetings accessible to the public. Upon request, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting should direct such request to the City Clerk’s Office at (805) 781-7114 at least 48 hours before the meeting, if possible. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (805) 781-7410.

City Council meetings are televised live on Charter Channel 20 and the City's YouTube Channel: Agenda related writings or documents provided to the City Council are available for public inspection in the City Clerk’s Office located at 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, California during normal business hours, and on the City’s website Persons with questions concerning any agenda item may call the City Clerk’s Office at (805) 781-7114.